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The Cool People
Sunday, February 19, 2012 @ 12:23 AM | 0 Comment [s]

OMG!!!! Okay, so guess what? Yesterday 18 February 2012, we celebrated Guides Thinking Day. AND WE GOT TO TAKE A PICTURE WITH THE FIRST LADY OF SINGAPORE!!!!! OMG!!!! Mrs Mary Tan is soo damn awesome!!!!! Okay, so we Xinying and me actually wanted to take a picture with her bodyguard or assistant or something, because her uniform was just TOO COOL! So the rest of em werent that keen but hey, we stick together right? So everyone came too. So after all the "erms" and "uhhs" I finally asked her and she was all surprised but she said, "Yeah sure" anyway.

Here's the photo:
Isn't her uniform like just so cool?

Anyway, after that, she turned around and asked THE FIRST LADY, who was seated behind where she was standing, if she wanted to TAKE A PHOTO WITH US! OMGGGGG!!!! And the uber gracious first lady agreed. And she talked to us!!! She shook all of our hands (LEFT HAND, MIND YOU! GUIDES ARE AWESOME) and asked what school we were from and asked if we were the seniors.When we said yes, she pointed out two guiders who were in their sixties (I think) and used to be guides at our age too. Her words were (I can't remember exactly but...) "I'd just like to point out those two ladies sitting over there, they used to be Guides at your age too, and even until now, they're still very active in Guiding. I hope you girls can be like that too." And she gave us the sweetest smile!! So we were like smiling and nodding and mentally SCREAMING OUR ASS OFF IN OUR HEADS when we took the photo! And this professional photographer who had been taking photos of the VIPs took it for us with Mrs Chia's camera (THANK GOD MRS CHIA LENT US HER CAMERA TO TAKE PHOTOS WITH), and then again with his own camera. LIKE, WHOA.

The First Lady of Singapore and us.

Then later on, after hanging around for a bit, we asked Mrs Joy Balakrishnan, the PRESIDENT OF GIRL GUIDES SINGAPORE if we could take a picture with her and she was like, "Sure" and man, she is exactly what one would describe as elegant and welcoming! There's no other way to describe her! She asked us what school we were from and when we told her, she was like "Oh, you were the girls that spoke to Mrs Tan earlier!" And we were all thinking "OMG SHE REMEMBERED!" Man she's really really nice!

Here's the photo:
Mrs Joy Balakrishnan! She's so elegant!

And OMG what a way to celebrate our last Thinking Day considering as this is our last year in Guides. Wahhh! Omg yesterday was really really memorable! <3

Dream good dreams!

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