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So you're bored.
Monday, February 6, 2012 @ 5:53 AM | 0 Comment [s]

Hey again!

Okay, so you may be wondering why I posted two posts at like, the same time. It's actually cuz I wrote the previous post like AGES ago, just that it was on mobile and I couldn't add in the pics and edit the font size as I wanted.

Anyway... HOW'S THE BLOGSKIN? Nice? Hmm I still gotta edit it and all but there you go! I wanted a full blog, one where you don't have to scroll down the posts, but I couldn't find any that I liked, so oh well. just gonna stick with this for now! Don't kill me if you gotta keep scrolling down yoh!

Soo... I'll try my best to update as much as I can -like once a week or something- but hey, if there's nothing to say, there's nothing to say! Ohoh! I'm (half) watching the 9 o'clock channel 8 drama show now! It's called 995. Seeeems like the action packed type where lots of people die at the end. Huh. Oh well.

So recently, I've been OB-FREAKIN-SSESSED with nails and nail polish so here's like, an AWESOME work of art for y'all to see:


Ohkayyy.... ANYWAY, another of my recent obsessions is STARBUCKS. I went to weheartit and downloaded like 50 images of all thing starbucks. Can you say YUM? Woah I swear, it's really really awesome! Since I can't think of much else to say, I'll end off with pictures of Starbucks awesomeness.


AAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!! I'm pretty sure I've died and gone to heaven!

I don't drink hot coffee (just iced) but this sure looks good!!!! Makes everyone wanna become a coffee addict eh?

Love this picture for some reason. NOTICE THE NAILS TOO!

Eeeek!! Cuteness overload! You can't NOT love this pic can you?

Ohoh! Okok, I know I said I'll end, but I just remembered- there was this place I went to with YanEr on Saturday, and BOY was it perfect. Simple layout, awesome shakes. Yep, it's called Once Upon A Milkshake. I can't describe it to you. The chairs, the design, EVERYTHING. It's the perfect lil' hideout! Here's a pic of the chocolate milkshake we shared! Sorry for the horrid photo quality! I took it with my iTouch! >.< 

Btw, here's their site if you're interested:


Check it out! You won't regret it, I promise!

Lousy-quote-of-the-day-that-I-made-up-myself: When in doubt, chocolate's ALWAYS the answer.

Hey, lousy but SOO true! Don't hate!

Stay HOT!

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