Monday, February 6, 2012 @ 5:13 AM | 0 Comment [s]
Heya peops! Okay, I'm pretty sure I'm the only person who knows about this (or should I say my) blog cuz I haven't told anyone bout it yet. Hehheh. And besides, blogging's kinda dead so no one asks stuff like "hey what's your blog address?". Instead it's all "hey what's your facebook?" ugh. Facebook shamcebook (eh, what??). But that's for another day. Or another post if you wanna get all technical. *wiggly eyebrows*. Anyhow, I don't know why I started blogging again. Maybe cuz I wanted a place to just talk crap without people judging me...? Facebook and twitter are overpopulated! Social networks are overrated. Buh. Gee now I sound like some anti social network freak. Which I'm not, btw. :P Sooo... Cool blog name eh? We Grow Old. Why yes, we do. And dang does it suck! So imma write all about stuff that we do as we grow older and older here. Post by post. I hope y'all don't get bored of visiting! Anyway, here's a quote by Jacob Black from the book Breaking Dawn by Stephanie Meyer ( And yes, I know i know, I read the twilight series. What? I like vampires. :P). Here goes: Life sucks. And then you die. Huh. Actually, he continued with "I should be so lucky", but since I'm going with the assumption that everyone reading this is human, I didn't add that in cuz it probably don't apply. But you gotta admit, it's a pretty catchy quote eh? ;) Well... Since this blog IS after all about growing old (not really), I thought that was kinda sorta appropriate for a first post. Okay now y'all are probably gonna think I'm some morbid emo gal (which I'm not), so let's just move on! Hmm I actually figured that writing in a diary would be WAYY cooler but you try writing about life everyday and see if you don't get blisters! So that's all for the intro folks! I'll start with the awesome stuff on the next post ya? Hehehe! Stay hot! ( I decided stay cool was too cliché :O) thatAWESOMEgirl |
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